Leaded Lights - Guildford

Looking for a Traditional leaded Light Window Specialist? Look no further because you have found that specialist. We have been manufacturing, restoring and repairing traditional leaded lights since 1972. We have worked on many fine Guildford Houses over the years and continue to offer a first class service.

So if you’re leaded lights are leaking, bowing or rattling call for expert advice on 01403 264607 we will be pleased to call and see you.

Benefits of choosing a P.A.C.R. Accredited Restoration Studio.

  • We will re-use all of your glass, some of which is no longer made.
  • We can retain all of the original character to your house.
  • We do not use modern materials just tried & trusted materials.
  • Retain the value in your property by keeping it original.
  • We have very many happy Guildford customers.
  • Once restored you can have peace of mind.
  • We are local and have our excellent reputation to uphold.
  • The lead we use is English Hand Drawn to match your original.

Would you like to make further enquiries?

If you have concerns about your leaded lights and are thinking about having them restored, you’ll no doubt have very many questions. We will be pleased to call to see you where you will get an honest appraisal on the condition of your windows. We specialise and do not deviate into other areas, just traditional leaded lights housed into stone, wood or metal.

Call Cliff Durant today

The Glasshouse Studio New Street Horsham West Sussex RH13 5DU Telephone: 01403 264607 Mobile: 07860 310 138 Email: cliff@surreyleadedlights.co.uk

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